Sunday, July 29, 2007

First experience with Sex Ed in Tonga

Very…yeah. If I was a parent I would not want this woman teaching my kids Sex Ed. I see the other side of the story about why Tongan parents are very reluctant to allow Sex Ed to be taught in schools. Then again, parents definitely do not teach their kids at home and Sex Ed is needed. This facilitator in particular needs to be screened again for more training. She is a Tongan facilitator who works with the Red Cross and I assume she leads Sex Ed classes regularly. She led our session partly in Tongan and partly in English.

I had a number of problems with her presentation.

Problem #1 The numerous uses of the F-word in place of using the phrase “have sex”. The phrase she used in her broken English was “get a ‘F’”. (The abbreviations are mine not hers.)

Problem #2 Telling a class participant that she can tell how far he has gone by the questions he asks. (At the conclusion of the class this participant is the first she approached with the box of free condoms.)

Problem #3 Asking the class who has used a condom before and singling out the males, prompting them to answer.

Problem #4 Having each member of the class feel the “rough rider” condom on the plastic penis while making exclamations like “Nice!” or “Ouch!” each time the guys touched it.

Problem #5 Poking the air with the plastic penis and then preceding to make noises and expressions to mimic as if she was enjoying the moment.

Funny joke & #6 After explaining to us how to properly use and discard a condom she pours a little bit of someone’s coffee into the demo condom to simulate the now “used condom”, knots it up and tells us now you can toss it in the trash or save it in your scrapbook “as a museum”.

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